Astronaut takes incredible images of South Africa from space [photos]

Col. Douglas Hurley, shared beautiful images of South Africa. The images were taken from space, and Hurley simply captioned it:

“South African cities at night. Cape Town, Johannesburg, and Pretoria.”

South Africa from space
Image via Twitter: @Astro_Doug

Hurley recently made history when he, along with Robert Behnken, become the first two American citizens to return to Space from USA soil after the Space programme was scrapped nine years ago.

Both astronauts have been training for years for the mission, which would move the United States closer to no longer being reliant on Russia for crewed flights to and from the International Space Station.

Bob and Doug making history

Behnken and Douglas have been flying to the ISS on Soyuz rockets since the US shuttle program ended in 2011. Speaking to reporters ahead of the launch, Hurley said “it’s been a long road”.

He said he was looking forward to being one of the first humans to fly in the Crew Dragon capsule. All went according to plan, and the Dragon capsule docked itself to the orbital outpost of the station approximately 24hours after the historic launch.

To adhere to the new norm of a pandemic-riddled world, the 27 May launch took place without the usual crowds of spectators. However, the event was live streamed for all the world to see.

NASA astronauts Doug Hurley and Robert Behnken participated in a dress rehearsal of the launch day events. Image via Twitter/NASA Commercial Crew @Commercial_Crew

South Africa from space

About a decade ago, just days ahead of the 2010 World Cup final, the European Space Agency (ESA) shared an Envisat image that featured the vibrant colours and varied terrain of South Africa.

The image was taken on 19 June 2020 and showed Johannesburg and the Vaal Dam. Snow was also visible on Lesotho’s Drakensberg Mountains towards the East, while the emerald green vegetation from the Outeniqua Mountains is visible in the southwest.

South Africa from space
This image was acquired by Envisat’s Medium Resolution Imaging Spectrometer on 19 June 2010 at a resolution of 300 m. Photo credit: ESA

In addition, Port Elizabeth is visible to the west of the clouds where the coastline forms a crescent. From there, trace the coast all the way eastwards to Durban, South Africa’s third-largest city.

South Africa from space
One of the Expedition 40 crew members aboard the Earth-orbiting International Space Station captured this panoramic image of South Africa on May 31, 2014. A combination of contrails and a bit of winter mist appears to have formed alphabetic and/or numeric characters in the upper right near the horizon. Sun glint off the south coast is slightly confusing as it is similar in brightness to the west-coast cloud cover, where an Atlantic storm rolls in. Photo: NASA Protection Status

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