The ‘Last of Us Part 2’ Patch 1.03 will introduce Permadeath mode trophies

Naughty Dog confirmed that Patch 1.03 will introduce two new DLC trophies: Dig Two Graves and You Can’t Stop this. The trophies will be awarded to players who complete the game on the Grounded difficulty setting and Permadeath mode.

Yes, you read that right. You’ll only get this trophy if you don’t die; not even once. While the game has a ton of difficulty setting for gamers to customise it as they see fit, the new patch is for the most hardcore of gamers out there.

The Last of Us Part II’ Grounded Mode and Permadeath

Dig Two Graves’

The Grounded difficulty in Part II is reminiscent of the same hardcore DLC first introduced in the Last of Us Part I. Enemy damage increases but the availability of resources takes a nosedive.

Naughty Dog hasn’t confirmed yet if Grounded Mode in Part II will be identical to Grounded in Part I, however, we’d like to believe that they follow the mantra of “new game, new hardcore challenges”. That’s the Dig Two Graves trophy.

You Can’t Stop This’

Then there’s the You Can’t Stop This trophy, which throws Permadeath mode into the mix. That means that if you die, you’re dead. Proper dead. No reloading from the last save and last progress.

Die in permadeath mode and the game wipes the file. All your progress. This might not sound so dramatic if you never played on permadeath mode before, but trust me, it can be brutal.

There’s nothing as heartbreaking as spending 20, 30 or 40 hours on a game, only to die and start again from scratch. Dark Souls scarred me for life. I still dream about Bed of Chaos and wake up in a cold sweat.

Last of Us Part II Patch 1.03 release

The Last of Us Part II seems a little more forgiving, and the Permadeath setting can be tweaked. If that means what we think it means, then gamers would be able to play in lower difficulty settings.

Naughty Dog hasn’t confirmed yet when Update 1.03 will roll out, but we are sure it will be worth the wait.

Combat tips

If you’re already playing the Last of Us Part II, you’ll quickly find yourself in unfamiliar territory. Not only has Ellie’s character evolved, but the game introduced a slew of new features, such as Ellie’s stealth options.

Beginners and advanced players alike will likely run into a snag at some point in time, and it doesn’t hurt to have a few combat tips and strategies ready for when that inevitably happens.

We’ve got just the thing to help you out: ‘The Last of Us’ Part 2 gameplay walkthrough and combat tips. Protection Status

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