Scientists have found the best star-gazing spot on Earth
If you’re a keen star-watcher, there is good news and bad news. The good news is that scientists say they have discovered the absolute best place on Earth to observe the heavens.
The bad news is that it’s a tad cold. In fact, it will make winter in Sutherland – South Africa’s notoriously cold stargazing mecca – seem like a warm tropical island.
Dome A is also the coldest place on Earth
A scientific study published in late July in the journal Nature, identifies it as a spot called Dome Argus – or simply Dome A. It happens to be just down the road from the South Pole and has been identified as the coldest place on Earth.
How cold can it get? Try -90°C to -98°C. Which is way lower than the -21°C lowest temperature ever recorded in South Africa on a farm near Molteno in the Northern Cape.
According to the team of scientists from Australia, Canada and China that conducted the study, Dome A is near-perfect for examining the heavens because these is minimal interference from the Earth’s atmosphere.
Astronomers aren’t fond of a twinkling star
As any child who has looked at the heavens or sung Twinkle, twinkle little star will tell you, stars twinkle.
And, while that makes for cute songs and bedtime stories, it’s not ideal for astronomers because twinkling indicates that the light reaching earth from distant stars is being warped by a phenomenon called atmospheric turbulence.
So at Dome A there is a lot less twinkling happening than anywhere else on the planet that we know of.
Atmospheric turbulence causes the problem
“By the time [light from the cosmos] hits the ground, it’s all over the place and you get these blurry images,” study co-author Michael Ashley, an Australian astrophysicist, explained.
Why is there so little atmospheric turbulence? As the plateau where Dome A is located is dead flat for a considerable distance, the slow winds create little turbulence at the type of height where a telescope would typically be located.
To test this, the team erected a small platform of around eight metres in height with a small telescope attached to it. The results were impressive.
A combination of factors comes together
“A telescope located at Dome A could out-perform a similar telescope located at any other astronomical site on the planet,” said Canadian astronomer Paul Hickson.
“The combination of high altitude, low temperature, long periods of continuous darkness and an exceptionally stable atmosphere makes Dome A a very attractive location for optical and infrared astronomy. A telescope located there would have sharper images and could detect fainter objects.”
Telescope could be operated remotely
And what of the extreme cold, which probably means scientists and technicians wouldn’t be falling over themselves to staff such a telescope?
Apparently those involved in the study have already shown that a telescope can be operated remotely in the Antarctic winter for seven months, and that the equipment and instruments can be engineered to withstand the elements.
Some people may also suggest simply using a space-based telescope such as the Hubble Space Telescope. But Ashley says this is considerably more expensive and there is also the disadvantage that new advances in technology are more easily incorporated into an Earth-bound observatory.
Also read: NASA takes incredible footage of Jupiter’s lightning storms
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