A first look at Markarth DLC, Tamriel Together and more

Bethesda just shared an exclusive first-look at some of the activities coming to The Elder Scrolls Online as the year-long Dark Heart of Skyrim event reaches its end. See the breathtaking images here.

‘Dark Heart of Skyrim’ announcements

We’re entering Q4 DLC, which will be centred around the vampire Rada al-Saran. The fourth quarter also sees the return of Sai Sahan, Lyris Titanborn, and Varandis Ravenwatch.

Dark Heart of Skyrim Greymoor Markarth
Image via Twitter: @TESOnline

The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages (UESP) explained: “There will be Reachmen on your side. You must figure out what the Gray Host are doing in the Reach and how it affects the Reachmen”.

“We will discover that Blackreach goes right under Western Skyrim, and visit a Dwemer library. The shelves go 80 metres up, because they’re Dwemer. There will be new enemies too, the Dwarven Dynaster is a war machine”.

‘Tamriel Together

Dark Heart of Skyrim Greymoor Markarth
Tamriel Together. Image via Twitter: @TESOnline

Bethesda’s lineup included a multi-month celebration complete with festivals, known as Tamriel Together. The official Elder Scrolls Online account confirmed on Twitter:

“From this October to early January we’ll have in-game events, activities, prizes, and more to celebrate the ESO community! Celebrate #TamrielTogether with us”.

Watch: Dark Heart of Skyrim ESO-Live

Keep an eye out for the major announcement at the 1 hour 54 minute mark.

‘Markarth DLC’

They also shared a first-look of the new Markarth DLC coming to PC. The Markart DLC will be coming to PC, Mac, Steam and Stadia on 2 November 2020, followed by an Xbox One and PS4 release on 10 November.

Th Markarth Prologue Questline is already on the Live servers. If you watched the event, keep an eye out for the special House Ravenwatch item free in the Crown Store.

Dark Heart of Skyrim Greymoor Markarth
Markarth will contain a new solo arena, the first since Maelstrom. Image via Twitter: @TESOnline

Lastly, the Q4 Markarth patch will be released on the Public Test Server on Monday, 21st September, 2020

‘The Lost Treasure of Skyrim’

Lastly, there is The Lost Treasures of Skyrim, which promises a free Nord house and a new house guest, for those of us who enjoy interior decorating. Don’t judge, I’ve lost way too many hours of my life to TES V’s Hearthfire DLC.

The Lost Treasures of Skyrim will be an in-game event coming soon to a platform near you. It will require ESO players to work together in unlocking the final reward, the Antiquarian’s Alpine Gallery house.

Lost Treasures of Skyrim will run from 23 September to 5 October, followed by the Witches Festival around Halloween, the Undaunted Celebrations over Thanksgiving, and the New Life Festival to cap off the year.

Get your boots and shovels ready, we’re going to dig up half of Western Skyrim to find the Lost Treasures.

Watch: ‘The Elder Scrolls Online’ – Dark Heart of Skyrim Year-End Preview Protection Status

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