Village’ gameplay trailer revealed at PS5 event
Some games scare me. I convince myself I’ll never play them, but they draw me in any way. Resident Evil sits right at the top of that list. When Resident Evil 7 released in 2017, it brought the horror genre back to life.
This new instalment of the franchise is no exception. The game will feature characters you know, as well as introduce new characters. It features beautiful scenery and graphics that will fully take advantage of the power of Playstation 5, Xbox series X and Steam.
PC players will have to amp up those specs because this one’s going to be intense.
‘Resident Evil 8: Village’ first look
‘Resident Evil 8: Village’ gameplay
Fans got a first look at the gameplay features when the gameplay trailer dropped. Capcom confirmed that this instalment would complete the story that started in Resident Evil 7.
Capcom’s Tsuyoshi Kanda and Peter Fabiano, did, however, point out that it would not address the cliffhanger of Resident Evil 7. The game would be played in the first person, and this may be to emulate the success of the Playstation VR title.
So be prepared for jump scares that will have even seasoned players jumping in their boots.
Watch the gameplay trailer
The game will also include a time jump, taking place a few years after Ethan Winters travelled to Louisiana to find his missing wife. They reunite only to awaken and get confronted by a different new evil.
The Game Play Trailer also revealed the return of Chris Redfield. The character looks like he has returned to cause havoc for Winters, with werewolves and witches in tow.
Some fans wondered why it wasn’t just called Resident Evil 8, but one can clearly see the Roman Numeral 8 in the word Village. It’s a subtle nod and confirmation that the story continues.
Tsuyoshi Kanda and Peter Fabiano also confirmed on their Official Gameplay Breakdown and Overview Trailer, that they used RE engine. This engine was fully optimised for the next-gen consoles, and you can see that from the graphics.
The overview trailer featured developer commentary to highlight how and why the game looks so pristine and high def.
‘Resident Evil 8: Village’ release date
The game is set for a 2021 release date, and perhaps I’ll pull up my big girl pants and give this one a try.
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