A game-changer for traditional free-to-play genre

The Chinese-developed open-world adventure – Genshin Impact – is attracting users and great reviews despite only being released this month. The beautifully crafted open-world is truly easy on the eye with hours of content available already.

Genshin Impact – What you need to know

The game already boasts the biggest global launch for a Chinese game ever, grossing over $100 million in its first month. The developer of Genshin Impact MiHoYo has a proven track record for creating quality free-to-play mobile titles, but in Genshin Impact they may have created something truly special.

What makes Genshin Impact extraordinary that unlike many other free-to-play sensations MiHoYo have approached Genshin Impact more like a true AAA open-world title. The game launched simultaneously on console, PC and mobile.

In every important way, Genshin Impact’s development has been more like a Skyrim than a traditional free-to-play title. It’s reported that MiHoYo threw a $100 million budget at the game and looking at its current revenue it seems like they’ll make that back in multiples.

Watch: Genshin Impact trailer

If you’ve had a look at the game yet, you were likely impressed by just how much the developers have crammed into the game, especially in terms of content and quality. If you haven’t yet now’s the time to go and try it out and get a headstart on your friends.

The game itself could become very important for the future of games in general. The game industry has been at war with itself over the last few years as free-to-play models take on the most prominent studios who have maintained that AAA titles subscribe to the traditional model that guarantees them income.

Many of these developers have even looked to get the best of both worlds by selling us titles for more money every year while also incorporating in-game purchases (we’re looking at you EA sports).

Breaking the mould

Genshin Impact looks poised to break that mould and show that quality games can exist and thrive with a free-to-play model.

As with most action games, Genshin Impact eases you into the action where you play the role of “the traveller”. You start out in the world of Teyvat, and after a brief skirmish with a god alongside your twin, you slowly begin to discover the world and meet new companions for your party.

The game rewards exploration and battles are skill-based and intuitive making the inevitable grinding for in-game currency feels like a fun part of the experience rather than mindless busy work so that you can reach another power spike or unlock a new champion.

The game is out now on pretty much every device you own that can play games so download it and give it a go if you’re looking for a challenging free-to-play adventure that looks and plays like a AAA title. Protection Status

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